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When everything is functioning smoothly in your Sacramento, CA household, the temperatures should generally be pretty even from one room to the next. For example, you probably shouldn’t feel like you need to put on an extra layer of clothing any time you walk from the dining room to the bedroom. However, uneven household temperatures, […]

By Josué Solis

When you start to notice hot and cold spots around your home, the first thing you probably wonder is what you can do to get rid of them. Experiencing uneven temperatures around your living space is frustrating and uncomfortable, and it usually means that something is off with your household system. However, there isn’t one […]

By Josué Solis

Buying a new air conditioner for your home is a major investment. Before making that venture, it makes sense to understand all you can about the different types of air conditioners. One big difference between various units is the SEER rating of the individual units. Although it’s easy to see the difference between the ratings […]

By Josué Solis

Filling your Sacramento home with lots of luscious, green plants is rumored to have a significant impact on indoor air quality. For years, homeowners have been encouraged to load up on living plants as way to boost oxygen levels, filter out chemical contaminants, and get rid of other airborne impurities. Now, however, experts are questioning […]

By Josué Solis

Ductless air conditioning has become a new standard for many states in the western portion of the country. These systems allow homeowners to easily enjoy cooling and heating throughout the year via one system. Determining whether or not ductless air conditioning can fit within your budget starts with knowing how much these ductless systems cost […]

By Josué Solis

What Factors Affect the Cost of Air Duct Replacement? Without air ducts, your HVAC system would never be able to make your Sacramento home comfortable. Although ducts are necessary, their use does come with some drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is that ducts eventually require replacing. The problem is that many Sacramento homeowners see their […]

By Josué Solis
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