Main Factors That Affect Your Water Quality

Main Factors That Affect Your Water Quality

We use water for almost everything we do in life. However, many people don’t take a moment to think about the quality of water coming out of their faucets. The idea is as long as it looks clean, it is good for use—which is so wrong. Your water quality affects many facets of your life, including your health, the flavor of your food, the cleanliness of your clothes and dishes, as well as your HVAC system performance and efficiency. Here are the biggest factors that affect your water quality and what you can do about them.

1. Pollution

Pollution is the biggest cause of poor water quality. Things like pesticides, detergents, grease, and oil can get into water sources. Pollution is categorized into two sources: point source pollution and non-point source pollution.

Point source pollution is when pollutants enter the water from identifiable sources, i.e., where water companies draw on. These are easy to control because water companies are required by the law to treat water and make it safe for people. On the other hand, for non-point pollution (the biggest problem of water quality), the pollutants do not come from a single point that people can identify or easily control. For example, pollutants like industrial and factory wastes, pesticides, and fertilizers contribute to non-point pollution. Also, if somebody flushes prescriptions down their drain, the compounds that make that drug will find themselves in the water sources.

Another source of pollution is saltwater intrusion. When water from the sea enters into nearby groundwater sources, the salt can cause the metals in the pipes to leach into the water being pumped to households.

2. Usage

Sometimes, how you use your water can affect its quality. This happens when you share the water supply with many people in the community. Overusing water can cause a strain on the water treatment system leading to poor water purification at some parts. The same can also apply when the water company you are sourcing your water from uses old, inefficient wastewater treatment systems. Even though they work, they may not be purifying the water as needed. Besides, new contaminants can find a way to escape the purification processes.

3. Temperature

Temperature plays a huge role in determining the quality of water. From determining the kind of microorganisms that survive in water, the chemistry of water also influences the water treatment process.

High water temperatures from water sources will easily dissolve chemicals from ground surfaces, nearby rocks, and other pollutants. Warm water also holds fewer levels of oxygen, which can make it conducive for some dangerous microorganisms. Coldwater will also dissolve more carbon dioxide as it goes through the water treatment process. High carbon dioxide levels in water can make it acidic, thus corroding pipes and other metallic surfaces that it passes through. Furthermore, the water temperatures also determine the rate of chemical reactions that affect water quality. Typically, most chemicals react faster in warm water than in cold water.

4. pH

Pure water has a neutral pH, which is 7. But, it isn’t easy to find water that is always neutral because there are many factors that affect the acidity and alkalinity of water. One such cause is temperature, as discussed above. The other prominent cause is the soil composition or the bedrock at the water source. In addition, organic material and plants near water sources also have an impact on water pH. Of course, other factors like chemicals and acid precipitation can also determine the alkalinity or acidity of water.

Most metals used in water systems, such as iron, lead, copper, and manganese leach when exposed to acidic water. Alkaline water leads to the formation of calcium deposits that form scales inside pipes, gives water a bitter taste, and even causes your clothes and dishes to look dirty.

5. Runoff

Heavy rainfall causes erosion and washing of contaminants from farms, dumps, and other sources of pollution into water bodies. These dangerous elements have a greater potential of ending up in your water supply after reaching water sources.

How Poor Quality Water Affects Your HVAC System

Water that has dissolved mineral solids is the biggest danger to your HVAC system. When that water evaporates in the cooling tower, salt concentration builds up within the heating system. After a while, these salts form a layer of scale around the nearby pipes and the heating system itself.

Minerals within your system will trap the heat or cooling, making it difficult for your HVAC system to deliver as required. Moreover, the metallic parts, which are almost every part of your system, will begin to corrode from the minerals on them. This is because the minerals react with water droplets in the system and oxygen to make rust which eats up the metallic parts. Therefore, poor quality water will damage your system by making it work too hard to make up for the trapped heat and cooling, and secondly, the metallic parts will break or leak, which will need immediate replacement.

Water with bacteria and algae also has detrimental effects on your unit. When they enter into your system, they will interact with the cooling water to make slime. Slime is emulsification or a film on the piping surfaces. Slime also has the effect of trapping heat or cooling from your HVAC system. In addition, microorganisms cause Microbiological Induced Corrosion (MIC). This corrosion is even more severe than the one caused by minerals. It could be even worse if your water is contaminated by legionella bacteria, which besides eating up your system at a faster rate, can also infect you and your family.

The pH of water used in your HVAC system causes many effects. Typically, it’s best to use neutral water for your system. If you use water that is acidic, the metallic parts will corrode, leading to leaks. On the other hand, alkaline water has high levels of calcium. Calcium is responsible for making hard water, which causes scale formation within the metallic parts of your system. Scales also impact the performance and the efficiency of the HVAC unit.

How Can You Improve Your Water Quality?

The best way to address the issue of water quality in your home is by installing a water filtration system. This is because it gets rid of all the contaminants at the water source. Thereby, the water that you use, including for your HVAC system, is clean and contaminant-free.

Avoid using softeners to improve water quality. They can have a counterproductive effect because most of them use salt, which builds up within the pipes and HVAC system. Suppose there is corrosion affecting your piping system. In that case, you may need to replace the pipes entirely because even after installing a filtration system, the corrosion within the pipes will still contaminate the water.

If you are experiencing problems with your HVAC system, the issue might be caused by the quality of water you are using in your home in Sacramento, CA. Call Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air today to inspect and repair any damages. Our experts will determine the places most affected and advise you if a repair would suffice or if you need a replacement. We also offer UV lights, air filtration purification, and more. Contact us for more information!

How to Find Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

How to Find Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

Updated: July 30, 2024

Sleep is one of the most critical elements of a person’s overall health and well-being. Doctors recommend that an individual should sleep at least 8 hours a day to remain healthy. Just like food and water, sleep is critical for maintaining the optimal performance of our bodies. The brain functions depend on how much sleep and the quality of sleep a person gets.

Scientists argue that sleep quality directly impacts our immune function, metabolism, blood circulation, lungs, disease resistance and even our mood. They further say that poor sleep quality negatively affects blood pressure, depression, obesity, respiratory complications and cardiovascular diseases. As such, it is essential to ensure that you achieve quality sleep. Sleep temperature is one of the elements that determine this. As discussed in this article, there is an ideal temperature at which an individual attains the best sleep quality.

What Is the Best Sleep Temperature?

Did you know that many people suffer from sleep deprivation because their room temperatures are not conducive to restful sleep? Optimal sleep temperature is the temperature at which the body is adequately relaxed. Sometimes while sleeping, we subconsciously toss and turn in the middle of the night. While you may not know it, it could be that your room temperature is too hot or too cold. When this happens, you cannot achieve the full sleep cycle, meaning you will not have enough sleep, and the quality of it will be poor. Sleep deprivation may impact your ability to concentrate, cause anxiety and provoke other mental issues.

Researchers do not give the exact temperature that’s best for sleep because other environmental factors (such as differing individuals’ internal functions) also influence someone’s sleep. However, they recommend a range of between 60 degrees and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. A few degrees outside the recommended range may cause you to experience difficulty drifting off to sleep or staying asleep for longer. If you do not adhere to that particular sleep temperature, you will not achieve the best sleep quality even if you sleep for a full 8 hours.

You can boost your overall health by simply adjusting your bedroom’s temperature and improving your sleep patterns. If you need professional assistance, our team at Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air can help by installing an HVAC system that will allow you to regulate your bedroom temperature to an ideal level for sound and healthy sleep.

Signs That You Have Not Achieved the Right Sleep Temperature

There are various indications that you are not enjoying a healthy sleep cycle. You should heed them.

Taking Longer to Fall Asleep

If you notice that you are taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep after getting to bed, it could mean that your bedroom temperature is not conducive to sound sleep. If so, you need to immediately adjust your temperature to the point where you will not experience this problem.

Tossing and Turning

Tossing and turning are signs of restlessness typical of room temperatures that are not ideal for sleep. Naturally, the body’s temperature drops just before bedtime as the muscles relax. When the room is too hot, the body cannot cool down to allow for relaxation. This discomfort causes people to toss and turn when sleeping.

Waking Up Earlier Than Usual

An optimal sleep temperature should allow you to go through all the full phases of sleep. Because of discomfort resulting from conditions that are either too hot or too cold, you may find yourself only partially asleep and unable to immerse yourself in sleep completely. It is a sign that you should adjust your room temperature.

Other signs that you are not achieving quality sleep due to poor room temperature include the following:

  • Waking up sweating
  • A medical diagnosis of insomnia
  • Waking up tired in the morning
  • Experiencing daytime drowsiness
  • Finding yourself waking up more than once a night
  • Inability to return to sleep when you wake at night

Advantages of Finding the Optimal Sleep Temperature

While there are many ways from shedding clothing to adding blankets that adjust body heat, the best mechanism for achieving the ideal sleeping temperature in your room is through a smart AC thermostat. Smart AC thermostats are designed to work intelligently to keep room temperatures at optimal levels. The device operates by detecting the conditions of the room and adjusting accordingly. When the temperature hits high levels, the controller is triggered to command the AC to lower room temperature. When it is too cold, the AC is commanded to increase the temperature.

Smart AC controllers are the best as they allow intelligent triggers to achieve ideal sleep temperature automation. They are programmed to maintain temperature and humidity at specified levels desired by individuals. They can be set at a single point or range. Smart AC controllers have sensors whose function is to detect and match temperature levels to specified parameters automatically. For instance, when the bedroom temperature is set at 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the night, the smart AC will keep the temperature at that threshold. If the temperature drops below it, the AC will turn off the cool mode to prevent a further decline in temperature. There are also settings within the controller that allow you to feed in specific parameters such as different modes.

Once you establish the ideal temperature for your bedroom, your sleep patterns should improve. You’ll derive many benefits from this.

Improved Mental Health

When you get a good night’s sleep, you stand to benefit from reduced stress levels and lower risks of depression. After a good night’s sleep at the right temperature, your mood is improved. You wake up refreshed with renewed strength and enhanced focus, ready for the day’s activities.

Enhanced Productivity

Sleeping under the optimal sleep temperature allows you to achieve the complete cycle of sleep, which translates to quality rest. This puts you in the proper mental perspective and provides energy that makes you more productive during the day.

Low Risk of Insomnia

Insomnia is a real issue that develops from multiple episodes of poor sleep patterns and sleep deprivation, among other factors. Insomnia can be taxing to manage. Achieving the optimal temperature triggers sleep and creates a conducive environment for having a full cycle of it. That way, you do not have to worry about taking too long to sleep, tossing and turning during sleep, waking up more than once at night or waking up earlier than usual.

Improved Body Functions

A good night’s sleep boosts physiological processes, including those of the brain. When you have enough rest through sleep, brain health improves, which has positive results on overall body functioning, including that of the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Boosted Hormone Production

There are essential hormones that are produced during sleep. Quality sleep catalyzes the production of these hormones. For example, melatonin, a hormone produced during sleep, can help fight heart complications, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Partner With Us

Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air has been offering residents of the Sacramento area outstanding HVAC services including installation, maintenance and repair services since 1976. You can count on us for all your plumbing needs as well. We’re reliable, credible and experienced. Our certified technicians are professional and highly skilled with HVAC equipment. You can depend on them to furnish expert advice on smart AC controllers that can help you achieve your optimal sleep temperature. Contact us today to tap into our technical expertise and excellent customer service!