How to Choose the Right Water Filtration System for Your Home

How to Choose the Right Water Filtration System for Your Home

Have you ever wondered what could be lurking in your tap water despite its convenience? Your water could contain lead, pesticides such as arsenic, and bacteria. Or, it could have minerals that build up in your pipes and appliances, causing scale build-up. A quality filtration system can help give you peace of mind by removing contaminants that concern you.

Understand Your Water Quality

Evaluate your local water’s characteristics to determine the filtration system your home requires. Our experts at Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air can test your water and provide you with a water quality report indicating levels of nuisance substances or potential health hazards in your untreated water supply and advise you on the best water filtration system to suit your needs. Common issues checked include sediments, chlorine, taste and odor, hardness minerals, heavy metals, and bacterial or viral contaminants.

Knowing what’s in your tap lets you focus your search on systems equipped to remove specific problematic substances. For minor sediment or chlorine, a basic faucet-mounted unit may suffice. However, a whole-house setup with advanced purification stages is necessary for heavily polluted water. Testing reveals your water filtration needs and which technologies can effectively resolve issues to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Cost of the System

After knowing the type of water filtration system you want, you need to establish the budget for setting it up. Water filtration systems range greatly in price. Consulting with a professional contractor such as Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air can help you choose a system that meets your needs without emptying your bank account.

Your water test may reveal that your water does not have any issues except that it does not taste great. In this case, an inexpensive solution like plastic pitchers with filters may meet your needs. However, they can be inconvenient because you have to refill them frequently, and their filters are prone to clogging.

A point-of-use water filter is also a less expensive option that is much more convenient. Professionals usually integrate this type of filter in the plumbing under the sink so that it is out of the way. Homeowners often choose this type for kitchen faucets. It will provide filtered water for drinking and cooking. However, there is no reason that you cannot have another installed in each of your bathrooms for brushing your teeth and grabbing a cup of clean water before bed.

Mid-range whole-home sediment and carbon block filters cost more as they treat all water entering your home. They may be necessary if you have hard water issues that cause scale build-up. Hard water can cause damage to your plumbing and appliances, such as dishwashers and laundry machines.

The most expensive systems incorporate UV light or reverse osmosis membranes and solve a host of more severe water issues. If your water tested positive for the presence of microorganisms, a UV system may be the solution. They effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria from your water. However, they are ineffective against chemicals, metals, or particulates.

On the other hand, reverse osmosis water filtration systems remove salts and heavy metals from water. The downside of the reverse osmosis system is it wastes water because for every unit of pure water produced roughly two additional units of contaminated water are flushed down the drain.

Research Top Brands and Models

If you need a point-of-use or whole-house water filtration system, you can compare various models to determine the model that will meet your needs and budget.


Ensure you search for accreditation according to the NSF and ANSI Standards 42 and 53. These standards assess the effectiveness of removing substances such as chlorine and lead. The process involves subjecting the system to a specified concentration of pollutants and evaluating its performance in reducing these targeted contaminants to acceptable levels.


Consider filters that incorporate carbon blocks or KDF media, whereby water passes through a porous material. This media traps and removes contaminants through adsorption and chemical reactions. It is effective at removing various pollutants, such as inorganic compounds. Quality whole-house UV and reverse osmosis water treatment models incorporate carbon blocks or KDF media as the first stage of water filtration.


Check the compatibility of a system with your home’s existing plumbing. The majority of filtration systems are compatible with a wide range of homes. However, it is possible that your particular plumbing system may not be compatible with some models, so you can eliminate them from your list. Or, you may have to make changes to your plumbing that will add to installation costs for both point-of-use and whole-house systems.

Check the System’s Flow Rate

Getting a filter with an adequate flow rate for a whole house system is crucial to avoid low water pressure issues. Most manufacturers list the maximum gallon per minute (GPM) flow their units can accommodate. Compare this number to your home’s peak water demands. For example, a three-bathroom house may need at least 15-20 GPM to maintain strong water pressure during simultaneous showering and running of the dishwasher.

Consider Your Home’s Water Usage

How many people live in your home? What are your daily water use habits? These questions will help determine if you need a small under-sink filter or a more extensive whole-home solution. Due to low water usage, a single person or couple may only require a tap filter to treat the water they drink and cook with. However, a large family with high water usage will benefit more from a high-capacity system treating all the pipes in the house. Ultimately, it’s important to consider current and future water needs as kids grow up and extended family visits to size your filtration system correctly.

Size of the System

Measure the physical space you have available for your filter installation, too. Whole home systems range in size but generally require at least a few square feet of clear floor area plus clearance for filter replacement. Point-of-use designs will fit in the cabinet under a sink, while larger whole home units may need a dedicated water treatment area. Additionally, consider that a whole house model will have to be placed near your home’s main water line and electrical outlets. Proper sizing upfront helps you avoid costly redesigns or settling for a less-than-ideal location later.

Future-Proofing Your System

Your water needs may change over time. It is wise to choose a versatile water filtration solution adaptable to changes. Whole house modular designs simplify adding extra capacity if your household grows.

Contact the Professionals

At Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air, we have served the residents of Loomis, CA, and the surrounding areas for over 40 years with expert plumbing. We install, maintain, and repair water treatment systems and can address any of your other plumbing needs. In addition, we provide heating and air conditioning services.

Contact us today to make an appointment with one of our experts.

The Benefits of Humidifiers in Dry Indoor Environments

The Benefits of Humidifiers in Dry Indoor Environments

For added comfort, humidifiers alleviate dry indoor air through various techniques. They enable easy breathing and promote skin health. When winter heat parches throats, causes static shocks, and dries wooden furnishings, these devices gently rebalance humidity. Let’s explore the value of whole-home humidification.

How Do Humidifiers Work

A humidifier is a household appliance that increases the moisture content of the air in an enclosed space. It accomplishes this by releasing water droplets or steam into the surrounding air. There are several types of humidifiers, but they generally work in one of the following ways.

Evaporative humidifiers use a spongy wick filter that soaks up water from a tank. A fan blows air through the damp filter. This draft causes some moisture to evaporate off the filter and mix into the surrounding air, naturally increasing the humidity that gets released into the room.

Ultrasonic humidifiers use a metal diaphragm that vibrates very fast to create a fine mist of tiny water droplets. These droplets get released into the surrounding air. As they evaporate, the moisture increases humidity levels in the room naturally.

Steam vaporizers boil water to make steam. The steam gets cooled a bit and then released into the air. The evaporated water boosts moisture levels. Plus, the heating process kills bacteria in the water before it enters the room’s air, making it a healthy option.

Impeller humidifiers use a rapidly spinning disk that flings water at a diffuser, breaking it into a fine mist. A fan blows air through the mist to pick up the tiny droplets and release the moisture into the surrounding air.

All humidifiers have a water reservoir, a mechanism for converting water into a fine mist or vapor, and a fan for distributing humidified air. Some humidifiers have extra functions, including the ability to adjust humidity levels, filter out contaminants, and add aromatherapy or pharmaceutical solutions.

The 8 Benefits of Humidifiers in Dry Indoor Environments

Dry winter air can affect health, comfort, and even home furnishings. Using humidifiers to boost moisture levels to an optimal balance offers solutions through the cold season and beyond.

1. Health Benefits

Dry air can take a toll on your health, especially during winter when heating systems run constantly. Properly humidified air, between 30% and 50% moisture, helps reduce typical symptoms related to dryness. Humidifiers combat irritated respiratory systems, prevent agonizing cracked skin, reduce the occurrence of nose bleeds, allow cold relief, and help minimize allergy or asthma triggers. By boosting moisture levels, humidifiers soothe scratchy throats, make breathing easier for some, and create an environment less prone to transmitting germs and viruses around your home. The health benefits abound!

2. Preserving Wooden Furniture

Dry air can wreak havoc on treasured wooden furniture and antiques. As moisture gets sucked out of the wood, the material becomes more brittle and prone to cracking and warping, especially around joints. By maintaining humidity levels, humidifiers create the ideal environment to prevent your precious wood pieces from drying out. A humidifier can prevent gaps, preserve glue bonds, and reduce static electricity damage. It ensures your furnishings remain protected from permanent damage throughout winter. Investing in proper humidity is investing in preserving your wooden items.

3. Improving Indoor Plants

Indoor greenery thrives in humidity yet struggles through dry winter months. Heaters sap moisture from the air, causing crisp leaves, stunted growth, and dropping buds in our beloved potted plants. However, operating a humidifier nearby restores balance. Boosting ambient humidity nurtures botanicals accustomed to tropical settings, allowing them to flourish beautifully year-round. Steady moisture ensures photosynthesis continues, soils retain nutrients, and pests and diseases are kept at bay. Simple humidification sustains verdancy and blooms according to natural rhythms, regardless of outdoor climate swings. Let your indoor oasis prosper!

4. Enhancing Sleep Quality

Dry air can significantly impact sleeping comfort and health. Congestion, scratchy throats, coughs, and sinus trouble make falling and staying asleep challenging. Drying membranes also worsen loud nighttime snoring for many. Thankfully, sleeping with an engaged humidifier sustains 30% to 50% humidity, allowing breathing passages to remain moisturized and clear. This alleviates congestion and related sleep disruptions. Boosted moisture also reduces static electricity, allowing bedding to remain lightly draped. Humidifiers restore overnight comfort for uninterrupted deep sleep and vibrant daytime energy.

5. Preventing Static Electricity

Is static electricity an annoying issue in your household during drier months? Clinging clothing, sparks when touching metal, frozen computer screens, and wispy flyaway hair are aggravating and tied directly to a lack of moisture in the air. Drier air prevents electrons from flowing smoothly. Boosting humidity enables them to discharge properly without building up. Humidifiers introduce the moisture needed to restore balance, allowing the current to pass through the air without pesky, shocking side effects. Regaining moisture control reduces seasonal static, protects your devices, and maintains a comfortable environment.

6. Reducing Respiratory Infections

Dry and hot air weakens our respiratory defense, whereas healthy and flexible membranes prevent dangers from entering the lungs. Dehydration causes membranes to crack, allowing pathogens access while reducing cilia action to expel invaders. This dryness precipitates winter vulnerability to threatening colds, flu, sinus infections, and bronchitis.

Thankfully, using humidifiers to maintain indoor humidity optimally hydrates respiratory membranes for flexible functioning, fluid mucous flow, sustained cilia motion, and enhanced pathogen barriers. Stabilizing moisture bolsters the first line of defense, dramatically slashing wintertime illness in both children and adults.

7. Protecting Artwork and Books

Cherished artwork, photos, music, rare hardcovers, and even paperback favorites deteriorate rapidly under dry conditions. Heated and air-conditioned air saps moisture from materials, causing brittleness, curling pages, cracked canvas and chipping frames in priceless heirlooms and beloved modern pieces alike.

Countering dryness protects creative works and sentimental keepsakes. Humidifiers maintain sufficient moisture, enabling flexibility and resilience in delicate materials. They preserve precious memories and one-of-a-kind creations against damage when weather extremes create imbalance indoors. Defend your personal museum through conscious environmental care.

8. Hydrating the Skin

Dry, dehydrated skin loses elasticity prematurely, causing an aged appearance even in youth. Humidifiers counteract the moisture-zapping effects of indoor heating, restoring balance for renewed radiance and vitality. Optimizing humidity prevents delicate face and body skin from drying out, cracking, flaking away in patches or accumulating damage through inflammation. Boosting moisture enables retention of collagen smoothness for a firm, freshly hydrated complexion. Reveal vibrant, glowing skin through conscientious humidity control, regardless of dropping temperatures outdoors.

How to Choose a Humidifier

Doing up-front research helps find a long-lasting humidifier that effectively achieves comfortable moisture levels without wasting money. Choosing a trusted brand known for quality is wise. Check reviews when comparing different models. Ultimately, you will have to determine what type of system you’ll get. Before you do, remember that limping along with several single-room portable units will be only partially effective. Investing in a whole-house humidifier is a long-term solution. It will be out of the way, incorporated into your home’s HVAC system, and it will be far more practical, keeping your entire residence in an ideal state.

With a better understanding of operation types, health benefits, and tips for savvy selection, you can truly appreciate the value of a whole-home humidifier. This solution effectively alleviates painful winter dryness, making breathing easier. Moreover, it nourishes plants and pets, protects valuables, maintains vibrant skin, and gently restores the comforts often taken for granted in warmer weather. Consult with our experts at Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air to learn more about this option.

Contact Humidifier Professionals

Since 1976, Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air has been serving Sacramento, CA and its surrounding areas with expertise in plumbing, heating and cooling. We’re HomeAdvisor Elite Service Providers and accredited by the BBB with an A+ rating. In addition, we hold EPA and ENERGY STAR certifications. Call today to schedule an appointment with us for whole-home humidifier installation, maintenance, or repair.