Tips for Turning on Your Furnace for the First Time This Season
It may still be in the 70’s or 80s during the day here in Sacramento, CA, and the surrounding areas, but the nights are starting to cool down. Before you know it, the cool weather will settle in completely and it will be time to switch on your furnace to warm up. Before that day arrives, it’s important to make sure your furnace can adequately warm your whole home. Here are a few tips for turning your furnace on for the first time this season, and what you can do to prepare it for the cooler months ahead.
What to do Beforehand
- Make Sure your Filter is Clean. If you can’t remember the last time it was changed, it’s likely past due.
- Clear the Area Around your Furnace. Is the area surrounding your furnace clear? If you have boxes or belongings stored too close, it could be a potential fire hazard.
- Test Smoke and CO Detectors. This is especially important if you have a battery powered system in place. Brush the dust off them and make sure you switch out the old batteries.
What to Expect
It’s normal for your home to smell for a little while after you switch on your furnace for the first time of a season. Think of all the dust that has settled in your vents over the warmer months – all of that is burning when you switch on the heat. The smell shouldn’t last too long, however. If it lingers for more than a few hours or a day, it’s best to call the professionals at Crystal Blue for heating repair.
Watch for Warning Signs
When you turn your furnace on for the first time, it’s important to watch for signs of a problem. Having an issue is unlikely, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you hear any unfamiliar noises, or your furnace seems to be struggling in any way, schedule your service before it escalates into a costly repair.
Turn it on Early
One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is waiting until it’s already cold out to turn on their furnace for the first time. It’s better to know if there’s a problem with your heating system early on – so you can have it repaired before the cool weather sets in and you really need it!
The Importance of Professional Furnace Maintenance
Professional maintenance is the best way to ensure that your furnace not only lasts through this winter, but for years to come. Any maintenance done by Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air will give you:
- Less Risk. A furnace that hasn’t been professionally serviced in a long time is at more of a risk for fire, gas leak, or carbon monoxide leak. To keep your heating system working as safely as possible, it’s important to have it professionally inspected and tuned-up at least once a year before heating season sets in.
- Improved Indoor Air Quality. Your furnace and duct system are responsible for circulating warm air throughout your home. If you have a dirty filter or your furnace is struggling to keep up, your air quality can be negatively affected.
- Cheaper Utility Bills. A well-maintained heating system can work efficiently and heat your home adequately. Proper maintenance saves more than just your utility bill, but the cost of avoidable repairs, or worse, an early replacement.
- Less Repairs in the Future. Keeping your heating system happy and healthy will help it last longer and prevent malfunctions down the road.
- Increased Home Comfort. After a Crystal Blue technician performs maintenance on your furnace, you’ll be more comfortable in your home than ever before! Your home will be fully prepared for the cooler weather as well.
Don’t wait till it’s cold out. If you need any heating service in Sacramento such as maintenance, repair, or replacement, call Crystal Blue Plumbing, Heating & Air today!